approachable design.
welcoming hub.

an urban vibe where people gather

  • Located next to the Carvolth Transit Exchange
  • Located at 86th Ave and 201st Street in Langley, theXchange offers quick access to Highway 1
  • Bringing an urban experience in to a suburban market with high-end finishes and sleek design
  • Within walking distance to a variety of retailers,restaurants and entertainment
  • Plentiful surface and secured underground parking available, including electric car charging stations
  • Position your business to attract top talent with a modern workspace and convenient accessibility to transit exchange
  • Exceptional quality construction from a local Langley builder

take it outside

Buildings connected to a small plaza of benches, picnic tables and parking, where tenants can enjoy lunch and conversation outdoors.

surrounded by nature

Landscaped paths, ponds and a network of trails wind through the Carvolth community.

private patios

Select spaces on the top floor of each building offer large private, covered patios for tenant enjoyment. Extra reasons to visit and linger.

outdoor event space

The landscaped common space between buildings could serve as an excellent area for festivals, networking and community events.

Contact Us

If you’re interested in finding the future home for your business or retail concepts, connect with us to learn more about theXchange.

leasing agents

Gordon MacPherson*
Ryan Schwartz*

Call 604-510-5555

Thank you.
We will be in contact shortly.

20161 86th Avenue
Langley, BC
V24 2C1